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my style notebook

Francesca Chelli
18 nov 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Dior Cruise: Step out of Lines?
I spoke already about balloons and traveling, two topics fascinating me I found today, mixed with ancient and ever green matters, such as...
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Francesca Chelli
11 nov 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min
It's all about the Journey, not the Destination
Maybe I'm an hopeless romantic, but I really would like to live a late-eighteenth-century journey, traveling with Louis Vuitton trunks,...
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Francesca Chelli
23 ott 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Flying, Traveling and Dreaming
Watching things from above - in a physical and metaphorical sense - is a fortune in life and has always corresponded to my desire and my...
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Francesca Chelli
16 ott 2017Tempo di lettura: 4 min
This Island, for a Dreamy GetAway
It's getting to the dinner of the last evening on the island that while the ultra white doors of the Water Villa Restaurant were opening...
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Francesca Chelli
5 ott 2017Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Diary of an Emotion
There are really few days in which you feel in the right place at the right time and you have the full awareness of each moment, enjoying...
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Francesca Chelli
14 set 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Milano, I Love You
Last night my black and gold outfit was in line with the municipal regulation, according to which all the shops inside the Gallery must...
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Francesca Chelli
11 set 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Pink Marketing: Women as Purchases Main Decision Makers
Even if it has masculine roots - you will remember I talked about it in my article "Pink: History and Fashion Not Just for Women" - pink...
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Francesca Chelli
6 set 2017Tempo di lettura: 2 min
My Limited Edition
And here we go. I am very proud to introduce you to my first limited edition "Goods for franci_chelli": this silk blouse, entirely...
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Francesca Chelli
27 ago 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min
One Year of my Blog
Paulo Coelho said that elegance is usually confused with superficiality, fashion, and lack of depth, and that this is a serious mistake...
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Francesca Chelli
17 ago 2017Tempo di lettura: 4 min
And now you Post on Instagram?
"But you did management, didn't you? Now you also post on Instagram?" This is very often people's understanding and simplified...
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Francesca Chelli
4 ago 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Pink: History and Fashion, not only for Women
In these lighter days of vacation I would like to talk about pink, a color that has combined many meanings in its history, even far away...
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Francesca Chelli
27 lug 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min
How can Yoga improve our Lifestyle?
The Greeting to the Sun sequence (Surya Namaskara ) is a complete exercise that simultaneously integrates the whole physiology: body,...
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Francesca Chelli
18 lug 2017Tempo di lettura: 2 min
A Bath of Beauty
Water is the origin and the commencement of everything: the benefits of a good massage in the water were already well known in Roman...
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Francesca Chelli
13 lug 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min
How 'Pariser' without Colette?
When I lived in Brussels in 1997, thanks to Thalys, the train that linked it to Paris in an hour and twenty, I discovered Colette just...
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Francesca Chelli
7 lug 2017Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Exploring 70 years of Dior Maison
Exploring: a fascinating theme, in life, art, fashion. The etymological meaning derives from the Latin EX-PLORO, where the EX suffix...
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Francesca Chelli
26 giu 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Style: Three Times a Day
With all the decisions we have to make in a day, wondering if we look our best shouldn’t be one of them. Getting dressed should be fun...
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Francesca Chelli
21 giu 2017Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Cinque Terre: la Vita nei suoi Elementi Essenziali
Le Cinque Terre sono cinque piccoli borghi di antica tradizione marinara, situati nella provincia di La Spezia, in Liguria. Per me...
65 visualizzazioni
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Francesca Chelli
21 giu 2017Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Cinque Terre: Life in its Essential Components
The Cinque Terre are five tiny villages in the province of La Spezia of ancient maritime traditions, nestled in the region of Liguria....
20 visualizzazioni
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Francesca Chelli
16 giu 2017Tempo di lettura: 2 min
A Style Inspiration Preview
I'm trying to interpret which will be the way to understand style for next season, investigating concepts, colors and influences that...
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Francesca Chelli
12 giu 2017Tempo di lettura: 5 min
About Fairy Tales and Legends
Who wouldn't like to have magical powers and to live in wonderful fairy woods, at least once in a lifetime ? I have been in a place where...
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