What would you choose?
Do you remember when, as little girls, we used to play with dolls and Barbies? The part I liked most was when we were choosing the...
What would you choose?
Drink in Portofino
Aperitivo a Portofino
Approvato da Royal Ascot...
Approved by Royal Ascot...
Plissé pour Madame
Plissé pour Madame
Rosso fiamma e di più
Rouge Flame and More
Ouverture in Anteprima
Ouverture in Anteprima
Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras
Ieri in Fendi, alla corte di Maria Antonietta
Yesterday in Fendi, chez Maria Antonietta's court
Street style bon ton
Street style bon ton
Oro a 24 carati per 24 ore
24 Carats gold for 24 hours
In crociera a Milano