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my style notebook
Francesca Chelli
10 apr 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min
If luggage could talk...
The ability to store the impossible in a suitcase is a skill that I nurture since I was a girl. I have always traveled a lot with my...
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Francesca Chelli
5 apr 2017Tempo di lettura: 2 min
A casa da Hermès
Buonasera e benvenuti in una grande casa mediterranea, le pareti a mattoncini intonacati di bianco, realizzata con materiali naturali e...
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Francesca Chelli
23 mar 2017Tempo di lettura: 2 min
What would you choose?
Do you remember when, as little girls, we used to play with dolls and Barbies? The part I liked most was when we were choosing the...
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Francesca Chelli
21 mar 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Drink in Portofino
"And here, suddenly the discovery of a hidden cove, olives and chestnut trees. A small village, Portofino, spreads like a crescent moon...
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Francesca Chelli
17 mar 2017Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Approvato da Royal Ascot...
Al Royal Ascot - l'appuntamento mondano più atteso del Regno Unito - è stato aggiornato il dress code. Novità di quest'anno infatti è...
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Francesca Chelli
20 feb 2017Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Street style bon ton
Street Style is a term used to describe fashion inspired by trends resulting from the street, where everyone expresses one's own...
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