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my style notebook
Francesca Chelli
23 ott 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Flying, Traveling and Dreaming
Watching things from above - in a physical and metaphorical sense - is a fortune in life and has always corresponded to my desire and my...
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Francesca Chelli
17 mag 2017Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Dressing in Tone
Don't define your world in black and white, because there is so much hiding amongst the greys. There is no easier way to appear...
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Francesca Chelli
27 apr 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min
The most beautiful color
Green water is for me the reference color when I want to specify the water of a certain point of the Sardinian sea, towards which I...
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Francesca Chelli
15 apr 2017Tempo di lettura: 4 min
9 Ways to Wear your Denim
The high waisted jeans in very dark blue denim I'm wearing in this picture gives an elegant and chic effect, if accompanied by important...
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Francesca Chelli
17 mar 2017Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Approvato da Royal Ascot...
Al Royal Ascot - l'appuntamento mondano più atteso del Regno Unito - è stato aggiornato il dress code. Novità di quest'anno infatti è...
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Francesca Chelli
17 mar 2017Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Approved by Royal Ascot...
The dress code of the Royal Ascot - the most expected elite date in the UK - has been updated. This year the innovation is related to the...
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Francesca Chelli
8 set 2016Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Mi è sempre piaciuto vestirmi con un certo stile, ispirato da un mio angolo nascosto. Anche se nella mia carriera lavorativa ed in alcune...
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Francesca Chelli
26 ago 2016Tempo di lettura: 2 min
I have always loved to dress up with a certain style, inspired by an inner part of me. Though in my business career and in certain...
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