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my style notebook

Francesca Chelli
7 apr 2022Tempo di lettura: 5 min
The Recipe of Longevity at Palazzo Fiuggi
Over time I realized that what has priority on the scale of values is one's own well-being, understood as psychophysical balance. It is...
173 visualizzazioni
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Francesca Chelli
9 ott 2021Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Living the magic of Barbagia at Su Gologone Experience Hotel
The journey to get to this magical place crosses an uncontaminated and silent nature that already prepares the soul to meet a unique and...
306 visualizzazioni
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Francesca Chelli
26 set 2021Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Wine, Art and Beauty at Villa Le Prata all year round
Summer was very intense at Villa Le Prata and the autumn/winter season is no exception. It officially opens with the grape harvest and...
255 visualizzazioni
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Francesca Chelli
23 mag 2021Tempo di lettura: 3 min
On Love You Live at Villa Le Prata
How many times do we dream of leaving for a destination able to satisfy our desires and interests in the same territory through new, fun...
361 visualizzazioni
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Francesca Chelli
7 mar 2021Tempo di lettura: 5 min
Greetings from Paradise
I know very well how life brings me what I need at the right time and here it comes the invitation for a break at the Adler Resort Spa...
168 visualizzazioni
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